
Remodel Design Services

Common Remodel Design Services Questions

With home prices raising and inventory decreasing, the option of remodeling your existing home might be the best option for you. While remodeling a home could potentially cost a considerable amount of money, it may be a less expensive option than building new.

How much do remodel plans cost?

The first question you’ll need to ask yourself isn’t how much a remodel plan will cost, it’s whether or not you even need remodeling plans. As with a custom design, your budget will determine whether you can afford to hire a designer to help you with a remodel. If you’re only doing a kitchen remodel, for example, you don’t need us to draw your plans – your money would be better spent working directly with the kitchen cabinet supplier to get your design. If, however, you’re looking to add on to the home or move rooms and framing, you’ll need plans to supply your local city officials when you apply for a building permit.

Whenever you’re making changes to your house that are structural and you will require a building permit, you will need remodel house plans drawn.

What types of remodel plans do you do?

While every homeowner’s needs are different, here are a few of the types of remodel plans we’ve done:

  • Adding a second story to a ranch
  • Adding a room addition to a ranch or two-story home
  • Adding a sunroom and/or screened porch
  • Attaching a detached garage with a walkway
  • Adding bedrooms
  • Adding family rooms
  • Changing roof lines and curb appeal
  • Relocating the master suite to the main level
  • Updating master suites with new amenities

We’ve also prepared remodel plans where we change the exterior materials to give the home a completely different feel. We might add a hip roof to an existing look creating a more modern look. We might change the siding to create more of a farmhouse style. Or we may add stone detailing that updates an otherwise outdated exterior.

How do I plan my remodel?

There are several things that you’ll need to think about before you begin your remodel plans, and we can help you along the way.

  1. Develop your vision.

    First thing's first: You can't move forward on your remodel until you know what the final product will be. Here’s where we can help you fill in the blanks on what is possible and what will be the most cost-effective way to achieve what you want.

  2. Set a budget.

    Once you know what you want to do to your existing home, you’ll need to set a budget based on those criteria.

  3. Build your team.

    This is where you decide who you would like to manage your project and whether or not you need our help.

  4. Create a schedule.

    You’ll build a schedule based upon when you can get your plans completed, your builder’s schedule, and of course, time of year if weather will play into the build.

  5. Prepare for the unexpected.

    We’ve all seen the HGTV show Flip or Flop, or Property Brothers, and you know that unforeseen expenses can easily pop up. It’s better to plan for them ahead of time and have extra money in your budget to take care of them.

Will remodeling my home add value?

In most cases, an update or remodel will add value to your home, but some projects add more value than others. These are some of the remodel ideas that can add value to your home:

  • Adding a second story addition
  • Remodeling a bathroom
  • Finishing your basement
  • Kitchen remodel
  • Converting attic space into usable square footage

We’re here to help you navigate this process and can start today! For more information, please call us at 319-395-7900 and we’ll set up an initial consultation to help you get the ball rolling.

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